Jim Martin - Pixar

Product Design at

Source: Sabrina Mendes

Jim Martin

I work on the animation and rendering tools behind the films.

Lighting tools

Lighting and color is fundamental to the emotion and appeal of Pixar's films.

I'm taking Pixar's newest lighting tools from broad-strokes vision to final designs used in production on Soul and Luca.

Source: EmojiVid
Source: EmojiVid
Source: Capivarinha

Multiplayer Critique

I designed an iPad and Desktop experience that lets directors draw over media in real-time during reviews.

Originally designed for in-person critique, but essential in WFH.

Source: Interaktell

Presto Design System

Pixar’s internal tooling shares a design system - the Presto Framework.

I’m always improving this long-standing design system, and evangelizing it so that other teams at Pixar can design with confidence.